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What joy...

I have spent the past 2 weekends with family from back home. It has been so incredible to spend time with all of them. It's good to have them here, seeing everything we are doing. Especially when we miss them all so much!

With everyone being here, the grand opening of Emerge Church, and the correcting and tweeeking the issues we've ran into it has been crazy and busy to say the least. But it has been so fun and rewarding to do. I love what I do. I love that I get to be a part of something so much bigger than myself. I love that I get to teach kids about God and help to shape the rest of their lives. I love that I know that no matter how hard it is, I can still be obedient to my God. When you can't make hard decisions because of fear or doubt, that just means that you are trying too hard to be in control. Why would you even want to be in control? I mean that's just too much pressure! I used to not be able to say this... but I can now... I am more than willing to sit back and let God control what happens in my life. That can be a hard thing to do sometimes, because the things that God will ask you to do don't always make sense in our heads. Sometimes we can't figure out how it will work, or why we even need to do those things. God always sees a much bigger picture than we can ever even dream up, so just because we can't understand doesn't mean we shouldn't step out in faith. I mean... after all Faith is doing and believing without seeing. God is too good, and He always blesses His children.

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