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Speaking of Family...

Thinking about family, seeing as my mom, sister and niece just left. Family is an amazing thing. They are there for you REGARDLESS of your situations, mistakes, stupid comments, embarrassing moments, etc. They love in an amazing way, they love so unconditionally. Family is important. Without family where would we be? Who would we be? Sometimes you might say that you'd be better off with a different family, but I'd have to disagree. Even in the worst situations, without that family you would not be who you are. Family helps us in many different ways. They teach us things, even if it's by their mistakes and not their words. Without my family I wouldn't know how to love, or give, or be compassionate. My family is not perfect, many people in my family have made mistakes and done some pretty ridiculous things, but without ALL of them I wouldn't be who I am today. It's so easy for us, sometimes, to take them for granted; because they are our family and they have to love us. Or sometimes just getting caught up in life we forget to love them back. Family is where it's at, without family we wouldn't know very much.

People say that "family is who you make it" and that can be true in some situations. But I have found that there is no one on this earth that can come close to my family. There is no friend that will love me the way they love me or comfort the way they comfort or care the way they care. Being 3 states over from, what I'll call my REAL family, I realize how much people need people. And if someone around me doesn't have family near them, or has a rotten family, I want to be able to love them like family would, care like family would, and comfort like family would. After all we are the church, that's what we should do, and we should be good at.

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet and true, baby girl LOVE DADDY
