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Thoughtful Tuesday...

Thinking about people that have come in and out of my life, and the many reasons that they are no longer in my life.  And then it hit me... yeah some people are meant to be in our lives for a time, but sometimes it's our fault. We have a tendency to use people up, use them for what they are good at, and then when they are used up (or worn out) they leave. Friendships should be full of laughter and relaxation and SOME work. If we only people around when its beneficial to us, then... they are going to leave. Just LOVE people.

Happy Christmas.


Oh Christmas Tree!

Since we just moved into our new apartment, we don't really have the money OR time to go get your average Christmas tree.  We don't have any kids so there's just no need for an ordinary tree anyway.  After thinking about some fun alternative ideas, I decided to make a small paper tree to put on our shelf.  So here's what I did:

First, you'll need to make sure you have all the supplies needed:

  • Canvas
  • Scrapbook Paper
  • Ribbon
  • Paint 
  • Mod Podge
  • Sponge Brush
  • Scissors
I used a mixture of Holiday Red and Crimson for the most part of the canvas, and then I used Gold for the edges. I used an actual sponge to do the painting on the canvas.

Since I used such bright Christmas colors on the canvas, I chose to use black and white decorative scrapbook paper for the tree part. Now, cutting these babies into perfect triangles was proving to be RIDICULOUS!! so I went in a more whimsical direction. After all the pieces are cut the FUN part begins! Mod Podge.  It is the most wonderful stuff ever created.  I found this blog that clearly explains how to use it perfectly.  It also shows how to make homemade mod podge, which is significantly cheaper.  SO click here to see How to make mod podge and use it!

The finished product!

I put a star on the top and some ribbon going across, but you could put anything you wanted to decorate it.  That's what makes this so fun!

I am so excited, now I just have to get motivated to finish getting Christmas gifts and getting them all wrapped and ready to go! 


Learning the How-To of Blogging

I am so excited to have finally set up a blog.  I have wanted to for a long time, and now seems like a perfect time.  I love the whole idea of sharing ideas of craftiness, organization, and whatever else!  I love the whole DIY world.  Just a month ago I moved to Tallahassee, FL, with my husband.  In the whole moving process I have taken on quite a few projects and plan to keep updated.  Hoping I can learn quickly and don't disappoint.  Feedback is ALWAYS welcome!