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Helpless NOT Hopeless

Thinking about helplessness. Considering my family is going through a rather rough time and I am hundreds of miles away, this is what has been on my mind.

Whenever someone you care about goes through things that you have no control over, it leaves you at a place of helplessness. You can't ever allow yourself to get to a place where you feel like there is nothing you can do. The reality is there is always something that can be done. There is always prayer, there is always hope. We have to hope for others. Sometimes in their circumstances they can't see hope, they can't remember how to. We have to always be able to remember that prayer is the most powerful thing that we own, and it needs to be used. The Bible says faith without action is dead, we have to put some prayer into action. We can say "hope" until we are blue in the face, but that wont bring them hope. The only thing that is going to bring hope to others is our prayer, our acting on our faith. As Christians it's our responsibility to bring hope to the hopeless. We should never pass up an opportunity to bring Jesus and the hope that comes along side Him to someone who needs it. We have an amazing gift, we should be prepared and desire to share it with others. We would be doing others a MASSIVE disservice if we dismissed their situations, due to the fact that we FEEL like we can't do anything. WE can't do anything, that's why it's not about us.

Never feel like there's nothing you can do. Regardless of how bad the situation is, and how far away you are, there is always prayer. There is always hope!

That being said, I hope if you read this you will agree with me, in prayer, for my uncle. Yesterday afternoon he was electrocuted at work. 480 volts went through his body. His coworker pulled him off and started CPR, and thank God for that man! He wouldn't have even had a chance if it wasn't for him. He is currently in a coma in ICU undergoing tests to see if he has any brain activity. He has no internal injuries that they can see. He is breathing on his own, and his heart is strong. The DR says that there is a 25% chance of survival for him. Thank God that statistics don't match up to His power. Tomorrow they are going to find out if he is brain dead or not.

It's hard being away from them whenever they are hurting, but thank God prayer still works, and isn't limited to a particular area. It's easy to be hurt, it's easy to be scared, it's easy to let emotions get in the way. Even though it's more difficult to be encouraging, and to be hopeful in the face of a bad situation it is what we, as Christians, are called to do. It's a part of our DNA. I always want to be able to bring hope to my family.

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